Recreation Approach to Focus on Priorities
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Council’s new Recreation Governance Committee is poised to make strategic decisions that better prioritize recreation funding by looking at the needs of the entire County, filling in gaps and reducing duplication.
The new recreation governance model simplifies and clarifies the County’s funding process for external groups. These changes may see the County directly providing recreation programs and services, and potentially managing facilities in the future. Rocky View County continues to grow and resident needs are becoming more complex.
County Administration is currently developing new policies, exploring partnership opportunities, and preparing for the creation of a Recreation Master Plan. Processes are being established to allow County-wide recreational project prioritization, and funding based on a County-wide needs assessment.
The Recreation Master Plan will identify future needs in terms of recreation, parks, and pathways, with a focus on long-term planning including an inventory of needed assets and the capital investment costs to fund them.
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