County CAO Elected President of ARMAA
Monday, September 16, 2019
Rocky View County’s Chief Administrative Officer, Al Hoggan, has been elected president of the Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators’ Association (ARMAA).
For 98 years, ARMAA has been advocating for the interests of municipal government, and providing a forum for sharing information among administrators from across the province.
“Playing a strong role in ARMAA helps benefit both the County and the province’s other rural areas,” said Al Hoggan. “Rocky View County is one of the most populous and successful rural municipalities in Alberta, and we have many best practices to share. But we also have much to gain by working with others to have a strong voice for rural municipal government and its work serving residents.”
Rocky View County Reeve Greg Boehlke said, “We’re fortunate to have Mr. Hoggan as our Chief Administrative Officer. His outreach into the community, and the strong relationships he continues to build at the provincial, regional, and municipal levels are serving our municipality well. I congratulate him on his election to this important leadership position.”
ARMAA sponsors regular meetings with deputy ministers and senior bureaucrats from various government departments to discuss issues of concern, offer input on Provincial programs, and receive updates on upcoming or ongoing Provincial initiatives. ARMAA works closely with Rural Municipalities of Alberta, the association of the province’s 69 counties and municipal districts. The working relationship ensures a strong, cohesive voice for rural Alberta, at both the political and administrative levels.
For the past four years, Mr. Hoggan had served with ARMAA as one of five regional directors. The position of president of the association is a volunteer role.
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