Council Decisions: December 11, 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Here is a brief summary of the decisions of Rocky View County Council at the December 11, 2018 Council Meeting. This is a general overview of decisions only. Details of the agenda items can be found in the meeting’s agenda, and details on the specifics of the decisions can be found in the minutes of this meeting, both on the Council Minutes and Archives page. Details are also available by contacting the County’s Municipal Clerk’s Office.
General Business
- Council approved the 2019 Draft Base Operating and Capital Base Budget. The budget proposes an average three percent tax increase for both residential and non-residential properties. Council will now consider new initiatives before passing the final budget in April of 2019, and setting the tax rate.
- Council passed a resolution appointing Al Hoggan as the County’s new Chief Administrative Officer, effective December 17, 2018.
- Council voted to send a letter to the Province of Alberta stating that the County cannot support the Springbank Dam Dry Reservoir project in its current state, and asking that the Province halt the project so that all options can be fully considered for reasons outlined in a report from Administration.
- Council approved a Regional Resilience Program to encourage collaboration and co-operation with the Tsuut’ina Nation before, during, and after a disaster. Funding support is being sought from the Canadian Red Cross Community Partnership Organization Grant Program.
- Council approved additions to the 2018 budget of just under $7,700 for the creation of the Greater Bragg Creek Fire Smart Awareness Program, and just over $23,160 for the Flood Readiness Initiative Program. The funding for the adjustments comes from grants from the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta and Alberta Municipal Affairs.
- Council appointed the Executive Director of Community Development and the Emergency Management Co-ordinator as Deputy Directors of Emergency Management, as per the Emergency Management Act and the County’s Municipal Emergency Management Bylaw.
- Council approved a request from the Dalroy United Farmers of Alberta Association for just under $1,350 in emergency funding to repair a furnace at the Dalroy Hall.
- Council approved $9,650 in emergency funding for the Cochrane and District Agricultural Society for roof repairs.
- Council tabled the consideration of a Terms of Reference for a targeted review of possible amendments to the County Plan to a future Council Meeting.
- Council voted to require the Rocky View Schools Division to pay just over $119,000 in fees to connect the Banded Peak School to the Bragg Creek wastewater system. The school division was looking for an exemption from fees.
- Council voted to approve $180,000 towards a project that would upgrade Highways 758 and 22 to improve traffic flow into and around Bragg Creek. The funding will be used to validate the design and provide a detailed construction estimate, which are essential for decision making on the project moving forward. Under a cost-sharing agreement with the Province, Alberta Transportation will reimburse the County for $135,000 of the $180,000 cost.
- Council voted to refuse to issue a letter of support for speed limit reductions on Highways 2A and 72 from Highway 2 to Crossfield. Alberta Transportation, which has responsibility for highways and secondary highways, was seeking the support of Rocky View County and the Town of Crossfield in making the changes, aimed at increasing traffic safety.
- Council moved in camera to discuss two land acquisition and/or disposal matters under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Sections 24 (Advice from officials) and 25 (Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body) and one personnel matter.
- Council moved back in camera and directed that the capital budget be amended to include $5.1 million for the completion of the Fire Hall in Langdon. Council also directed Administration to negotiate a sales agreement for the disposal of the old Municipal Building property in Calgary.
- Finally, Council directed that further legal advice be sought on the personnel matter discussed in camera.
Planning & Development
- Division 1 – File PL20180099 (05818002), Bylaw C-7842-2018, Re-designation Item: New or Distinct Agricultural Use – Ranch and Farm District to Ranch and Farm Three District. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 4 – File PL20170100 (03305007), Bylaw C-7737-2017, Re-designation Item: Fragmented Country Residential – Agricultural Holdings District to Residential Two District – Outside of an Area Structure Plan. Considered under the County Plan. First Reading received at a previous Council meeting. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20180055 (05219012/002), Bylaw C-7834-2018: Amendment to the Delacour Community Area Structure Plan. Considered under the County Plan and the Delacour Community Area Structure Plan. Related to the item below. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20150148 (05219002/03/05/06/10/11/12/13/14), Bylaw C-7833-2018, Conceptual Scheme Item: Fairways at Delacour Conceptual Scheme. Considered under the County Plan, the Delacour Community Area Structure Plan, and County Servicing Standards. Related to the item above. Approved.
- Division 7 – File PL20180072 (07320007), Bylaw C-7838-2018, Re-designation Item: Ranch and Farm District to Direct Control District. Considered under the County Plan. Approved.
- Division 5 – File PL20170102 (05322016), Bylaw C-7809-2018, Re-designation Item: Residential Two District to Business – Highway Frontage District Outside of a Business Area. Considered under the County Plan and the Municipal Government Act. Refused.
- Division 9 – File PL20180067 (08902003), Subdivision: First Parcel Out. Considered under the Municipal Government Act. Approved by the Subdivision Authority.
- Division 3 – File PL20180049 (04711031), Subdivision: Residential One District. Considered under the Municipal Government Act, the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan, and the Grand View Estates Conceptual Scheme. Approved by the Subdivision Authority.
- Division 9 – File PL20180041 (06801009), Subdivision: Residential Two District. Considered under the Municipal Government Act, the Bearspaw Area Structure Plan, and the Rocky View County / Town of Cochrane Inter-municipal Development Plan. Approved by the Subdivision Authority.
- Division 2 – File PL20180138 (04723003), Subdivision: Residential Two District. Considered under the Municipal Government Act, the County Plan, and the Central Springbank Area Structure Plan. Approved by the Subdivision Authority.
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Council News