Rocky View Recognizes Rail Safety Week: September 23-29
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Rocky View County has proclaimed September 23-29, 2018 as Rail Safety Week, along with CN, to raise awareness about reducing avoidable accidents, injuries and damage caused by collisions at level crossings or incidents involving trains and citizens.
Incidents involving people and trains continue to occur far too frequently and in most cases the results are tragic. According to Transportation Safety Board of Canada statistics, the number of trespasser incidents, those involving people and trains, climbed to 81 in 2017 from 69 in 2016, and that number does not include the many near misses that occur every day.
All railway property, including tracks and surrounding rights-of-way are private. Unauthorized access by the public is illegal and hazardous. This includes walking on or around tracks, bridges, rights-of-way or rail yards.
Rail Safety Week is also supported by Operation Lifesaver, a public/private partnership working with the rail industry, governments, police services, the media, and other agencies and the public to raise rail safety awareness.
For more information on Rail Safety Week, September 23-29, 2018, visit CN Rail or Operation Lifesaver.
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