Emerald Ash Borer Summit
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
With the recent find of emerald ash borer (EAB) in Winnipeg, it is time for Alberta stakeholders to come together and learn about how destructive this pest is, how we can learn from areas impacted before us, and establish a plan to help keep Alberta EAB free for as long as possible and procedures for what to do when it does get here. Given the high percentage of Ash in our urban forests across Alberta the impacts of EAB could be immense both economically and culturally.
Please join us for a one-day summit. We will be joined by Peter Wynnyczuk, an urban forestry consultant from Ontario who has firsthand municipal experience with the devastation EAB caused across Ontario. Peter will share with us what worked, and maybe more importantly what didn't.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) local team will be presenting on the current regulations and surveys. Following lunch the summit will transition to a facilitated round table discussion on the steps we can take collectively to slow or stop the spread of EAB.
Date: March 20, 2018
Location: Radisson Red Deer
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