Janet Area Structure Plan Review


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On February 21, 2023, Council held a public hearing to consider the proposed Janet Area Structure Plan (ASP) amendment. Following the public hearing, and amendments to the plan by Council, First and Second Readings of the Janet ASP Amendment Bylaw were passed and Administration was directed to refer the Plan to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) for approval.

Recordings and reports relating to the meeting are available on the County’s Meetings and Hearings webpage. As well, the agenda and livestream for the February 21, 2023 meeting is available at Council Meeting - February 21, 2023.

Amendments to the Plan are available below:

Please note, changes are shown in red and motions of Council are shown in blue (deleted text is shown by strikethroughs). Minor adjustments may continue to be incorporated with the final draft being published on the Meetings and Hearings webpage approximately one week in advance of the third reading.

To view the County’s submissions regarding the Janet ASP to the CMRB, please visit: CMRB Applications.

Following a decision of the CMRB, Administration will return to Council for third reading and potential adoption of the Janet ASP.

Previous Items

In February 2020, Council granted first reading to the draft Janet Area Structure Plan (ASP). Public feedback was received over the summer of 2020 and adjustments were made to the draft plan to incorporate feedback. Due to uncertainty around the timing and content of the draft Regional Growth Plan (as adopted by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board), the County and partnering developer placed the project on hold in the Fall of 2020 to await further direction on the proposed regional plan to ensure alignment with regional priorities.

In April 2022, the project team determined it was appropriate to proceed with the project. The Regional Growth Plan was adopted by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on July 11, 2022, and the draft Janet ASP is consistent with that direction.

On September 13, 2022, Administration presented an update report to Council. Meeting minutes and video of the proceedings are available on the Meetings & Hearings webpage.

Council directed that the project proceed in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference, and that the revised Janet Area Structure Plan (ASP) be presented for Council’s consideration at a public hearing in the coming months.

Supporting technical studies:

Further updates will be posted when available.

On September 20, 2022, Administration met with residents of Prairie Schooner Estates to discuss the proposed amendments and provide information on the project. The presentation slides from this meeting are below:

Please view the following video presentation for a general update on the project, the changes since first reading and next steps.

Following the Community Meeting September 20, 2022, Administration compiled an engagement summary and received written comments requesting changes to the Janet ASP. A summary of the feedback received and responses, including policy adjustments is available below:

The proposed Janet Area Structure Plan was presented for Council’s consideration at a Public Hearing on February 21, 2023.


The Janet Area Structure Plan (PDF) was adopted in 2014 and includes 2,330 hectares (5,758 acres) of land in central east Rocky View County. The area is bordered by Glenmore Trail (Highway 560) to the south, the City of Calgary to the south and west, the City of Calgary and City of Chestermere to the north, and Range Road 282 on the east.

Approximately 989 hectares (2,443 acres) of the current Area Structure Plan is designated as Long Term Development Area, which is located southeast of the Western Irrigation Canal. These lands are envisioned for a limited-service Regional Business Center, to allow for commercial and industrial development. When the lands on the west side of the canal approached 70% build out and a stormwater solution was identified, an amendment to the Plan for the Long Term Development Area is required before development can proceed. As the criteria for development of the Long Term Development Area has been met, an amendment can proceed in order to support future development. This is a developer–funded project.

Council approved the Terms of Reference for this project on May 28, 2019. Over the next few months, the project team will work with the developer, area landowners and stakeholders to determine appropriate land uses, transportation network, and form the policies that will guide future development in the area.

The proposed amendments to the Janet Area Structure Plan will be consistent with the Interim Growth Plan, existing County policy, and reflect the community’s vision for Janet area. The project will involve public and stakeholder engagement, technical reviews, policy writing, and development of land use scenarios for the area.

Project Timeline

The plan will be prepared in the following phases:

  • Phase 1: Project Initiation and Public Awareness
    This phase marked the public launch of the project. Scoping of technical studies initiated including an update on traffic impact.
  • Phase 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Plan Writing
    Stakeholder engagement with the public and adjacent municipalities will be undertaken to identify areas of interests and concerns, set the objectives, and guide land use scenarios. The draft policies will be completed in this phase based on feedback received and the direction provided from updated technical studies.
  • Phase 3: Draft Long Term Development Strategy Release
    The draft land use scenario and policies will be completed in this phase and released to the public and stakeholders for comment. Due to current restrictions on public gatherings and concern for the safety of our residents, a drop-in information session originally planned for this stage of the project will be replaced with an online video overview and the ability to book a one-on-one meeting with the project manager.
  • Phase 4: Public Hearing
    April 2022 – Fall 2022 Februaru 21, 2023 Completed
    It is anticipated that the draft ASP amendment will be completed at this stage and presented to Council for consideration through the Public Hearing process. Should second reading be granted, the ASP amendment would be referred to the CMRB.
  • Phase 5: Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Application and County Adoption
    March – June 2023
    An application will be submitted to the CMRB for approval. The Board evaluates and approves new Statutory Plans and amendments to existing Statutory Plans to ensure alignment with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Growth Plan. Should the approval be granted, Administration will return to Council for third reading and adoption of the Plan.

Related Information

The Janet Area Structure Plan Review will align with other statutory plans, policies, and studies that have been adopted since the original Area Structure Plan came into effect in 2014.

Please visit the links below to review these related plans, policies, and studies:

Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved in this project.

  • Contact us at planning_policy@rockyview.ca or 403-230-1401 for questions, updates or further information.
  • Fill out the form below and we will send you regular email updates.
  • Follow the project on this webpage. We will post regular updates and upcoming events.


FOIP Notification: Personal information provided through this online form is collected in accordance with section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information is collected for the purpose of creating and maintaining a mailing list to provide interested parties updates on the status of this project. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information can be directed to the Manager of Planning & Development Services at 403-230-1401.


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County Plans Overview

Check out the County Plans Overview (PDF) for a quick look at the different types of planning documents used in the County and how they interact.