Rocky View County is one of eight municipal members of the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB).
The Board is tasked with developing a long-term plan for managed, sustainable growth in the Calgary region.
Latest News
Minister McIver Approves the CMRB Regional Growth Plan
On July 11, 2022, the Minister of Municipal Affairs approved the CMRB Growth and Servicing Plans, as well as the Regional Evaluation Framework. The County remains committed to building strong regional relationships and a philosophy of act locally, think regionally. Mutually beneficial cooperation is integral to meeting the needs of Rocky View residents and neighbouring communities. Despite the County’s ongoing commitment to regional collaboration, concerns remain about restrictions on rural opportunity and red tape associated with the CMRB Growth and Servicing Plans.
July 11, 2022
The CMRB Regional Evaluation Framework, and Growth and Servicing Plans approved by Minister of Municipal Affairs via Ministerial Order MSD:064/22.
The new plans will come into effect as of August 15, 2022.
June 1, 2021
Growth and Servicing Plans submitted to Minister of Municipal Affairs for review and approval.
Plans come into effect after approval of the Minister, expected after the Municipal Election in October 2021 has concluded.
May 21, 2021
CMRB Board Meeting
- Growth and Servicing Plans passed by CMRB vote, with Foothills County, Rocky View County, and Wheatland County voting in opposition.
- County opposition was due to a plan that creates winners and losers by identifying ‘preferred growth areas’, which include all lands in urban municipalities, and severely restricting development outside of them.
- The Growth and Servicing Plans do not have legal force until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. The Plans are currently under review by the Minister, who may approve the Plans with or without amendments, or refuse the Plan as approved by the Board.
May 17, 2021
Rocky View Special Council Meeting
- Consultants and CMRB Administration present most recent version of Growth Plan to Council.
- Rocky View County Council discussed Plan and decided together how to vote on the Plan through the final stages.
- For more information, please watch the CMRB presentation from the May 17 Special Council Meeting. The information presented at the meeting can be found here:
October 2019 – April 2020
HDRCalthorpe prepares the Growth and Servicing Plans through a process that includes:
- Workshops with elected officials from Member Municipalities.
- Workshops with the Technical Advisory Group (administrative staff from each member).
- Online public engagement.
- Review and input from the Board and Land and Servicing Committee.
July 2019
CMRB hires HDRCalthorpe, an American urban planning consultant, to prepare the Growth and Servicing Plans.
January 1, 2018
The Government of Alberta mandated the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board. The County must participate. Under the legislation, the Board must create a regional Growth Plan and Servicing Plan, which member municipalities must adhere to for future planning and development decisions.
Currently, Reeve Kissel is our primary representative with Deputy Reeve Kochan serving as our alternate on the CMRB Board.
The Board usually meets on a monthly basis, with a break during the summer. There are also two active committees:
- Land Use and Servicing Committee (meets monthly, with a summer break)
- Governance Committee (meets six times per year)
Although each municipality has a representative, Calgary is given a veto over all Board decisions because of the double-majority voting structure (two-thirds of municipalities, with two-thirds of the regional population, is required to approve any decisions). I.e. for a plan to be approved, six out of eight members must vote yes and this must always include the City of Calgary.
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